Using the same shell shape as the GP-6 PED, the GP-6S is designed with the sport racer in mind. Using the familiar single intake and exhaust as the outgoing GP-5K, the GP-6S improves on this design with and enlarged front vent for improved ventilation. With many of the same features as it's big brothers, the GP-6S might be affordable, but it'll still be the most comfortable helmet you've ever owned!

  • Brand: Arai
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• Simple to use positive shield lock mechanism
• Improved shield pivot hardware aerodynamics and Type-6, 3mm shield
• Wider eye-port for increased peripheral field of view
• Large, closeable front and rear intake vent with 10mm holes for increased air intake
• Sculpted chin bar and ridge along lower edge of shell to improve structural integrity
• Raised shell above the shoulders for added clearance